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Sports Leagues / Tournaments

Player Profiles / Evaluations

Player Rankings/Ratings

Looking for the top talent nationwide?  Get access to the top players and teams all from your current location.

Unsigned talent just waiting for their opportunity to be next!  Come explore the bounty of talent that Texas has to offer.

Looking to see where players rank amongst their peers?  View player rankings at all levels.

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Sporting Event Video Services

Your access pass to all of the top tournaments and showcases in the state of Texas all on one Website.


Top Events and Players

Access to video from all the top tournaments and players nationwide.  Making it easier than ever for players to be evaluated and assessed for play at the collegiate level and beyond.


At an affordable price

Everyone has a budget.  Providing access to players globally at an affordable rate for all interested parties.

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College Coaches


Unsigned Players


Major Cities in Texas

Individual Event Package

Month to Month Package


Only interested in specific tournaments?  We have you covered.  Pick and chose which events you want to recruit from.

Only interested in seasonal events and times?  Gain access to top national sporting events for a period of 30 days.

Coaches don't miss a moment of action during the top youth sporting events.  With the annual pass, you gain access to all event material for an entire year.

Annual Packages

Coaches, are you looking for the opportunity to identify, evaluate, and contact some of the top talent in across the country?  Well register today for our video services and gain access to some of the top unsigned talent.

College Coaches Video Services

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Top Tournaments